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list making Tag

I have a confession: I’m terrible at keeping any kind of daily planner. I feel like I’ve tried them all and it always starts out with the best intentions, but by month 2, I’ve already fallen off the bandwagon. What has always worked for me, though? A folded up piece of paper with a daily handwritten list of to do’s. Nothing complicated, nothing bound and no digital calendars (that simple check mark or line striking through the item in ink is so satisfying!). If you’re like me and want that plain piece of paper to look a *little* nicer, this week’s tutorial is for you! Print it out, keep it digital (easily reusable!) or adapt it for other purposes (grocery list/packing list/scheduler, etc.).

It has been a crazy last month for me. I’ve been working some late nights finishing up a new website for a client. With those late nights came plenty of ‘to-do’ lists for the next day/morning/end of day. I’ve got a sketchbook I keep next to my keyboard at work and I think the last 5 pages all have multiple lists on them! So I thought – as long as these lists exist, they might as well look good 🙂 So! This week’s freebie is one very good looking to do list to make all the items on it a little easier to bear. Pdf includes the to do list in 4 different colors: orange, plumb, seafoam and cape cod blue. Each one measures 3.5″x7″ and can be printed with your home printer.


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