With holiday “thank you” card writing winding down and Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I’ve been making a ton of trips to the stationery aisle at Target, bouncing back and forth between Valentine’s card ideas for my friends. Last year, it was a batch of homemade cards with funny pick-up lines handwritten on them; the year before that, individually selected cards from Paper Source; and the year before that, I actually gave out Valentine’s (yes, like the ones you’d find in a 3rd grade classroom). This year, with so many of my friends living out of town now (and, therefore, cards needing to be mailed), I thought 2016 would be the perfect opportunity to try my hand at envelope calligraphy!
Like most of you, I’m sure, delicate and thoughtful envelope calligraphy is something I’ve always been super drawn to, but haven’t dared to try. (Who has time to decorate an envelope that’s bound to end up in the recycling bin, right? ;-)) Well, in light of my recent bout of inspiration this year, I’ve rounded up seven seriously incredible examples of envelope calligraphy from Pinterest that’ll leave you wanting to send some snail mail ASAP!
Vday Envelope Prep: Lovely Letters!
This post comes to you from Marissa! Get an extra dose of inspiration over on her pinterest page!
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Kate | January 28, 2016
These are inspirational! Thank you!