HomePosts Tagged "composition"

composition Tag

How to build on the basics and delight with detail

My 4 year old daughter and I have been making pancakes lately. A LOT of pancakes (starting to think it’s mostly a ploy for all-you-can-dip syrup at this point). Because she’s 4, we started out by simply following the recipe: pour the mix in, stir in the water until the batter is just right, then head to the stove. Once making pancakes each day became a thing, keeping it basic got a little…yawn after awhile.

I’ve received a few requests lately on the method I used to create my email recap header graphic, which is also my current youtube channel art. Here’s what that looks like:

That piece took 90 minutes to make, so this week, I’m breaking the same process I used down to 7 minutes. We’ll make a bouquet with 3 different simplified flowers anyone can paint and fill in our gaps with leafy foliage and eucalyptus! I’ll even provide the composition sketch so you can get painting right away 👏 And if you’d like to take it one step further and add in some line art to your messy gouache flowers, check out this tutorial.

There are a lot of tutorials out there on how to create hand lettering, but far fewer on what you can do once you create your lettering. In this week’s tutorial, we’ll create a hand lettered photo composition using just photoshop. We’ll start with placing and coloring our lettering on a chosen photo, then go over the basics of masking and applying environmental shadows to give the final piece a polished look. As a bonus, I’m including the lettering used in the tutorial so you can follow along exactly if you’d like. Let’s get started!


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