Did you know the 21st was the first day of Summer? 4 days ago, the world’s position said ‘I grant you Summer’ and we here in the US said, ‘why, thank you. I accept.’
Maybe that was just me.
I moved to Savannah, Georgia in 2006 to finish my undergrad at SCAD but also to escape the 6 month winters (that’s not a joke) Upstate NY so generously gifted me the previous 20 years. I grew a special love for summer waiting for it to come, while I shoveled snow every October through March. So, summer and I go way back, and even though summers are a bajillion times more intense in the South (now Atlanta) than I ever experienced in the North, it’s something I look forward to every single year.
Outside of the non freezing temps, I love that everything is alive in summer. Flowers are in full bloom, trees are leafed out – we saw cardinals, a chipmunk, a baby bunny and blue tailed baby lizards in our backyard just last weekend. There is color everywhere! In celebration of summer’s arrival, I give you 3 summer color palettes I’m currently swooning over. I provide every single palette’s CMYK + RGB color builds so you can get creating with them as soon as you’d like! I also recently made a color board over on pinterest if you’re interested in seeing even more 🙂 Here we go!
Palette one: Fresh Citrus
Palette Two: Full Bloom
Palette Three: Refresh, Relax, Repeat
Color Builds:
What are some of your favorite summer colors?
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