HomePosts Tagged "anniversary"

anniversary Tag

Today is an especially happy Thursday, because 2 years ago today was the very first Every-Tuesday post! I can’t believe how much has changed in that time and I couldn’t be happier delivering new design goodies and tutorials here every week. Speaking of design goodies – it wouldn’t be a proper birthday without a few design gifts! To celebrate 2 years, this week’s freebie is a set of birthday vectors as an ai, eps and psd for versions of Illustrator and Photoshop, CS3 or newer. See the full preview below!

On March 5, 2012, I started my previous job. While I had met many of the people who worked there my first week, the sound of a guy’s voice who I was sure I hadn’t met yet (because I knew I would have remembered that voice) caught my attention. I could hear it coming from the stairwell, around the corner from where I sat back then. On a group lunch outing, we had finally officially met. Spencer – tall, dark hair, brown eyes and a soccer player’s calves. A girl could do worse, haha. But we both worked together and that kind of thing can get tricky if you’re not both 100% sure of taking that leap. By the end of that July, we threw caution aside and we’ve been inseparable ever since.

It’s that time of the year when there are a bunch of events to celebrate: graduations, weddings and anniversaries from weddings before. Confetti is obviously a must have, real and digital. 🙂 That’s why we’re creating our own digital custom confetti brush in Photoshop in this week’s video tutorial! We’ll create the shape of our confetti, adjust color at the slide of a knob, and even control how much it scatters in a few quick and easy steps. Prepare to start confetti-tizing all of your digital celebration themed work from here on out 🙂 Let’s get started!


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