HomePosts Tagged "stacked"

stacked Tag

Happy Tuesday! This week, we’re focusing on embellishing lettering with some simple, but striking 3D effects! We’ll begin by centering stacked lettering, adding an inline, then we’ll add in that 3D goodness with an extrusion, extrusion details, an extrusion long shadow and we’ll finish it off with a hairline highlight.

Happy Tuesday! This week’s tutorial comes courtesy of Brittany, who shared this photo with me, which I agreed would make a great quick tip tutorial! As a bonus, I’m sharing how to create multi-colored long shadow typography, in case you’d like to use more than one color for your shadows 🙂 We’ll create every version quickly in Illustrator using one simple tool and a couple of extra time saving options. This is perfect for gig posters, MTV-esque retro designs, greeting cards, or paired with simple icons. Read on to see it all!


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