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One of my most viewed tutorials on YouTube is how to create seamless patterns in Illustrator (though you should be using the pattern tool in this tutorial if you’re using CS6 or newer!). Once you create a custom pattern, though, how do you save it, or export it to sell? Illustrator actually behaves a bit differently than Photoshop, since the version of Illustrator the user is on affects their ability to see the pattern or use it. In this week’s tutorial, I share everything you’ll need to know and consider when you save and export patterns in Illustrator.

This week’s tutorial isn’t the sexiest thing ever, but it’s extremely useful if you work on multiple machines, need to share digital assets with clients + fellow designers, are a super organized person looking to be more digitally organized, or have an old computer you’re in constant fear will crap out on you at any moment. This one’s for you!

One thing’s for sure, if you’ve been designing for any length of time, a program has crashed on you at some point and when you reopen, things look a little different in the swatches, brushes and patterns department. If you never saved these digital assets pre-crash, they are lost (along with that pleasant mood you had 5 seconds before) in file purgatory.

In this week’s tutorial, we’ll dull the pain of lost assets by going over exactly how to save patterns and brushes in Illustrator and Photoshop so you’ll know where to find them if you ever need a reinstall, or if you just want to share them. Read on to see how!

Saving down an Illustrator file is one of my most common habits as a designer. Whether I’m making templates or creating a logo for a client, I always save my Illustrator files down to at least CS3, so anyone who has older software will still be able to open and edit the files I provide. Much like InDesign, if you save a file in a recent version, like CS6, someone working in CS4 wouldn’t be able to open that file. In this quick tip tutorial, I show how easy it is to save an Illustrator file down to an older version of Illustrator.


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