It has been a crazy last month for me. I’ve been working some late nights finishing up a new website for a client. With those late nights came plenty of ‘to-do’ lists for the next day/morning/end of day. I’ve got a sketchbook I keep next to my keyboard at work and I think the last 5 pages all have multiple lists on them! So I thought – as long as these lists exist, they might as well look good 🙂 So! This week’s freebie is one very good looking to do list to make all the items on it a little easier to bear. Pdf includes the to do list in 4 different colors: orange, plumb, seafoam and cape cod blue. Each one measures 3.5″x7″ and can be printed with your home printer. I’ve structured the list the way I structure my regular lists – MUST DO! ALSO THESE! Ok, maybe these too! Don’t act like that’s not you, too 🙂 So get your list making on for one super productive week! Preview images below 🙂
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Joao | July 19, 2015
Muchas Gracias!! 😀
stephanie | September 10, 2015
this is awesome, thank you!!!
Teela | Author | September 10, 2015
thanks for checking it out!
Bianca | July 1, 2016
I love these! Did you create them in InDesign? Is that something you will be teaching us as well?
Teela | Author | July 5, 2016
Hey! I created these in Illustrator – happy to do a tutorial on making these if that’s something you’d like to see!
Bianca | July 5, 2016
Yes, please! ☺️
Lisa | July 27, 2016
LOVE these! Thank you very much!
Greg Zimmerman | January 3, 2017
Very cool! I just printed some out for my 84 year old Dad! He’s a perpetual list maker and always puts WAY too many things on them. I’m hoping that these will help him prioritize and he’ll feel better at the end of the day.
Teela | Author | January 5, 2017
That’s awesome!
Maura Nicholas | August 9, 2017
Thank you for sharing. We really appreciate it.
Cress | August 22, 2017
thank you sooooo much for making this. exactly what i needed