HomePosts Tagged "creatives"

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One question I receive often is “I love design, but I’m struggling to find my own design style. Do you have any suggestions?” This is one of those questions where I wish I could hop through the computer and just have an in-real-life conversation about it. It can be difficult because we’re all so different. Our paths are different, our experiences that shape the way we look at things, solve problems, etc. are all different, and all of that plays into the style of artwork we create.

Ever battled self doubt as a graphic designer or as a creative in general? I’m going to go ahead and assume the answer is yes to that one 😉 It’s definitely one of the most common emotions we go through on our creative journeys, though when we’re in the thick of it, it’s easy to feel like we’re the only ones. If you’ve ever thought about throwing in the towel, wondered if this is the right path, or thought that maybe you just aren’t creative enough to keep chasing the dream, this post is for you.

One of the changes I’m happiest I made last year was finally joining the amazing people on Instagram (I know, superrrr late to the party). I had created an account a couple of years before, but I had been so focused on creating tutorials and getting the blog to a good place that sticking to regular Instagram postings seemed too overwhelming at the time.

Last year, I felt like I had finally hit a rhythm and I’m so glad that I decided to add Instagram into my weekly mix. I am literally amazed every single day by incredible artists creating and posting breathtaking art (cue guilt on party lateness). I love the camaraderie, the new insta-friends I’ve made and the ability to connect with people/artists/designers who are passionate about the same things. In honor of them, I wanted to start a new monthly/bi-monthly post where I share some instagrammers who I deeply admire and who I think you’ll also love. Welcome to post #1 where I’m sharing my first 5 (of many, many, many) InstaLoves.


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