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Almost two years ago, I created some freelance lettering for a ‘spicy’ greeting card company called Get Feisty. One of the styles requested was what I call wave lettering, or lettering that looked like waves from far away. I hadn’t lettered in that layout style before, but it was a fun challenge figuring out my process for it. After a few (or 20+) tries, I had a solid process and it has become one of my favorite layout styles. In this week’s video, I’m sharing the exact process I use to create wave lettering. Read on for the simple materials and full video below!

Happy Tuesday! Chalk lettering is still going strong these days, from outdoor signage, to indoor wall murals, to photographed magazine ads. But! What if you want a digital, more permanent and quickly editable outcome without all the mess (or dealing with the perfect lighting setup for photography)? There’s actually a super quick way to accomplish a chalk typography style in Photoshop in just a few simple steps. In this week’s tutorial, I share my exact process of taking a nothing-special pencil doodle or sketch and transforming it into white chalk, then colored chalk typography. Use this same method for illustrations too! Whatever you can doodle, you can change into the digital chalk look, and in only ~10 minutes! Try doing that with real chalk 😉 Let’s get started!

Have a photograph you love and wonder how to make it into an art print you could gift or sell? In this week’s tutorial (brought to you courtesy of Yasmin’s suggestion!), we’ll create an art print based on a photograph by taking a photo of an object and recreating portions of it in Illustrator. We’ll add some watercolor texture and even a nice quote using a beautiful brush script font. This is a quick way to practice your Illustrator skills and create something personal you could gift or sell at the same time! Start by picking out a photo of an object or use the same one as I am (link below) and let’s go!

Welcome to Typins #4! This post is where I share my recent favorite typography pins from pinterest. I’m obsessed with (and if you’re here, I’m sure you are too!) and have boards for general typography (phrases, quotes, full words) written beautifully, just letters and just numbers. I pull from those boards for these posts, so there’s even more over there if you’re craving a bigger type fix 🙂  Here are 8 of my current favorite pins to get your type on!


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