Happy almost Thanksgiving! (here in the states, anyway 🙂 ) Since we’re hitting the end of November, it’s time for your free December 2016 desktop wallpapers! This month’s wallpaper pattern design was originally created with concentrated watercolors and a no.1 round brush on Canson 140# cold press watercolor paper. It was then scanned into the computer where final touches, recoloring and dates were added in Photoshop. The download includes the wallpapers in two common resoutions: 1280x1024px and 1920x1080px, with and without dates. I’ve left the year off of the ‘no-dates’ versions, so you can use it for any December in the future, too!
I like to recap the month and look ahead in these wallpaper posts. Here’s a little background from this past month!
This month was a bit of a breather for us – planning out new courses for 2017 and finally getting my newest font, Espresso Roast, out into the world. We ran into a few frustrations with Every-Tuesday’s current web host, so Spence has been very busy looking at our options. He’s also preparing the new site design for launch on a much faster hosting provider. (the things you never realize til they happen, right?!) We also decided to redesign a few more pages beyond the homepage. Those loose ends are in the process of being tied up, too.
I was originally planning the next Every-Tuesday course to be a more indepth iPad Lettering with Procreate one. Procreate announced a few months ago the newest version would be available in November. My goal is to always create courses as up to date as possible, so I had been waiting for the release to cover all of the new features, too. That November release has since been pushed back  – now happening before 2017 (according to their website), so we’ll see. Just wanted to pass on a little update there. I still fully intend on creating the class! It’ll just be a little later than planned.
In the meantime, I’ve started work on another course I’ve been looking forward to creating. Details coming soon!
For now, let’s get into these wallpapers 🙂
Freebie: December 2016 Desktop Wallpapers
Download your free December 2016 Desktop Wallpapers!
with dates
without dates
Receive special offers on courses + products, a new design file every month plus instant access to the Resource Library!

Pick up over 50 design + lettering files as our gift to you when you join the Tuesday Tribe for free!
Please check your email to confirm.
Wendy | November 23, 2016
Thank you, Teela. It’s lovely. Happy Thanksgiving.
Siobhan | November 23, 2016
Beautiful! Thank you and happy holidays!
Lesa | November 23, 2016
Just installed this on my 24 in Mac desktop screen and it is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your talents with this art! It’s been making me smile every time I walk by!
Teela | Author | November 28, 2016
That makes me so happy! Thanks for checking it out! 🙂
Tanya | November 25, 2016
I love the blue and gold together! Thank you and Merry Christmas.
Teela | Author | November 27, 2016
Thanks Tanya!
Gillian | November 29, 2016
oooh – love this one! thank you!
Charlotte | December 1, 2016
Hi, I have always had a question about your days of the week! Instead of Thursday, you write a R instead of a T……. Why is that?
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Teela | Author | December 6, 2016
The R is so there’s no mistaking a Tuesday and Thursday at quick glance 🙂
Brittney Byus | January 16, 2017
I look forward to these every month! I can’t wait to see what January looks like!! I feel like they keep getting better and better. I love the way it makes my laptop feel when first logging in! Thank you for sharing this! Much appreciated!!