2016 was a really intense work year for both Spence and I. I sat in front of my computer more than I didn’t, but it led to a lot of self growth which I’m immensely thankful for. While I hope (and plan!) to pull myself away from my desk more this year, I wanted to share the ways I hit my design + lettering goals in 2016 and steps I’ll take in 2017. I hope this can be a motivator if you’re just digging into lettering or graphic design, but you aren’t quite sure where to begin.
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Hitting your Design + Lettering Goals in 2017
My goals for 2016
When 2016 began, I had 2 goals: create more than one font and improve the production quality for my online courses. In order to a create fonts, I had to improve and experiment with lettering styles, on top of learning the font making software. In order to improve production on my online courses, I dug more deeply into Screenflow (my recording + editing software) to discover ways to make class taking experiences better.
- Improving my lettering styles meant experimenting with new brushes, tools, writing utensils, etc.
- Learning the font making software meant learning font making processes, the programming side of font making and understanding how to utilize open type features best to make the fonts fun + versatile.
- Improving online courses with Screenflow meant learning better ways to annotate videos, creating timelapses that communicated but didn’t move too fast or too slow, integrating music more often and experimenting with different angles.
What am I getting at
By pulling apart my goals, even as simple as they initially seemed, I started creating my road map. It may seem like a no brainer to do this, but if this step – of creating manageable, achievable ‘mini-steps’ isn’t taken, the big ones become overwhelming after a few months. And then the big ones only *kind of* happen, if they do at all.
If you’re just planning out your creative goals for this year, here’s my recommendation for tackling + achieving them best:
1. Choose your goal(s)
If you could improve or learn just one creative skill this year, what would it be? It’s ok if it’s just 1! Something like ‘learning Illustrator better’ obviously comes with a ton of mini goals/steps, so that in itself is a list! Maybe it’s ‘improve my script lettering’ or ‘finally make my handwriting into a font’. I had 2 goals last year and it still felt overwhelming at times. Choosing one creates immense focus, so if you’re just getting started, be kind to yourself, and as you work through the year, see if adding another goal feels right. If not, keep working towards that one. It’s pretty amazing everything else you’ll accomplish without even realizing it in the process 🙂
2. Break it down
Here’s where you create your mini steps or mini goals. All of the little pieces that will lead to your goal(s). I actually recommend not putting a time frame on these, as long as you commit to them every week. Figure out which you need to start tackling first and get right into the process. Taking the pressure off of getting one step checked by a certain time creates the freedom to experiment. Creativity grows the strongest and quickest in the experiment step, so it’s important to give it time. Plus, this is your goal and you better get to have fun accomplishing it 😉
3. Permission to Play
Give yourself the right to follow the creative rabbit hole wherever it leads. Getting lost in the experimentation process created some of my favorite, most unexpected artwork of the entire year. This is where you figure out what you enjoy most, where your style starts coming forward, and where you learn about yourself and the artwork you make.
4. Sharing
This is probably the most frightening part (it totally was for me), but I can’t stress how important it is. Creatives are introverts by nature, so it’s basically in our DNA not to put our work in front of others, let alone the internet. Here is what happens when you share your artwork:
- You begin to get over the fear of putting your artwork in front of others. Becoming comfortable just with this idea will make putting future artwork (if you wish, of course) into the world for sale, or even to get freelance clients or a full time position.
- Making this a consistent habit distances yourself a bit from the artwork. Feeling less sensitive/attached to your work creates more room for growth instead of pain if others offer criticism, questions or suggestions.
- You get to track your progress visually. Especially on social media like Instagram, you can look back a year from now at how far you’ve come. That’s a pretty great thing to have. (For me, this was last January’s desktop wallpaper compared to this year’s)
- You get to connect with others who are passionate about the same things. I don’t know about you, but my family + and many of my close friends are not into art the same ways that I am. Being able to talk to so many of you each week about design + lettering is one of my favorite parts about sharing my work.
Recapping 2016
Looking back, just those 2 goals were a lot to handle. In complete honesty, they broke me a few times. The mini steps within them both were more than I expected and I should have taken more time last January to see what I was getting myself into. Trying to do too many things at once isn’t healthy and it was a hard lesson to learn, but an important one for me as I move into this year.
On the bright side, I got to play with a ton of lettering supplies (which was glorious), and I’m really proud of how far my lettering and video editing skills have come in a year. It’s kind of crazy to see the list below of fonts and courses that didn’t exist a year ago. Here’s my 2016 recap of where those 2 little-ish (deceptively gigantic) goals led:
Tuesday Script
January marks a full year since I released my first font, Tuesday Script. Tuesday went on to become the 47th most popular item on Creative Market for all of 2016 and was even used for Kohl’s 2016 holiday marketing.
Hawthorne Script
I created Hawthorne as a more sophisticated, but still sweet natured script. It was named after the road I grew up on and was my first font to include an entire set of alternate lowercase characters 🙂
Espresso Roast
My first font trio! I loved creating a script and all caps style that paired so well together. My goal was to offer a font that was a one stop solution for any fun, dynamic layout. I loved creating the included symbols font, perfect for making dividers or adding fun elements to finish off compositions. Here’s the behind the scenes post I wrote on how it came to be 🙂
Metallic Magic
Digital foil textures are super popular these days and in this class, I shared how easy it is to make them from scratch in Photoshop!
Watercolor Textures for Graphic Design
If you’ve ever wanted to integrate watercolor textures into your designs, this class shows you how! We create beautiful, real textures together, go over scan settings and enhance color using Photoshop. We even cut out the background so you can place your textures on any backgrounds you choose.
***If you’ve taken this class or are interested, Skillshare is hosting Turn Physical Art into Digital Textures: A 30 Day Experience for Graphic Designers workshop (which starts today!) that this class is a part of. You’ll also get the chance to win some pretty cool prizes! (Use this link to sign up for Skillshare to receive 3 premium months for $0.99 if you haven’t tried it before!)***
Bounce Lettering
Integrating varied baselines within your lettering creates dynamic, unique artwork quickly. In this class I walk you through the logic of where the best places to add bounce to your letterforms are, along with some helpful resource guides so you’ll never wonder again.
Intro to iPad Lettering
When Apple made the iPad Pro + Apple Pencil available, it completely changed the lettering game. In this course, I walk you though 3 popular apps: Adobe Sketch, Adobe Draw and place emphasis on Procreate, the most well known iPad app used for lettering. We create 5 different projects together, so by the end of the course you have a familiarity with Procreate and how to add creativity to your lettering when you begin on the iPad.
p.s. I’ll be releasing a more advanced Procreate course in the coming months!
Mastering Mockups
If you’d like to learn how to put your artwork on real items using Photoshop (without actually getting them made), this class is for you! If you’re selling patterns or fonts, for example, mockups help users visualize how they might be able to use your product. Maybe you’re a designer and you created a logo for a client. Putting the logo on tshirts, mugs, pencils, etc. helps the client to imagine their logo in future use.
Lettering Layouts
Once you get comfortable with your lettering style, creating layouts with multiple words and meanings can be challenging. Referencing my graphic design typographic background, in this class, we apply similar design layout strategies to create compelling, emotive hand lettered layouts.
Brush Lettering with Watercolor
I wanted to introduce some longer-form classes to Every-Tuesday and Brush Lettering with Watercolor was the first last year! Packed with in-depth style establishing tips, brush holding options, and different watercolor blending techniques, this course is meant for any letterer who loves color. We use both a waterbrush and traditional paintbrush throughout to create stunning and vibrant brush lettered artwork.
Fantastic Flourishes
My most recent course, Fantastic Flourishes, dives into creating confident swoops, loops, swashes and curls, all while integrating them seamlessly into hand lettering. The course is packed with bonuses, including uppercase and lowercase alphabet practice sheets, so you can add flourishes directly into your letterforms, too!
Looking Ahead
Phew! This turned into quite the mega-post! This year, my biggest goal is to continue offering courses that will provide the most value to you, to the best of my ability. My next course on how to create a script font is already in progress and it will be followed by the new lettering with Procreate course. Are there any courses you’d like to see from me this year?
If you made it all the way to the bottom of this post, I’m sending you a high five!
What is your biggest creative goal this year? Leave it in the comments so I can cheer you on! 🎉
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Marilou | January 5, 2017
I have enjoyed your tutorials in illustrator and have learned alot from you. I would like to improve my illustrator skills this year. Thank you for all that you have done.
Teela | Author | January 5, 2017
Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing Marilou! And please let me know if I can be of any extra help in the process 🙂
Susan Hughes | January 5, 2017
I would like to learn how to make a font that is high enough quality that it could be sold! Looking forward to your script class. Thanks for all the great work Teela! Susan
Teela | Author | January 5, 2017
Thanks Susan! I’ll be sharing everything I did to sell mine – you’ll totally be able to make that happen 🙂
Grace Song | January 5, 2017
Teela, you have done an phenomenal job this past year achieving your goals! You continue to amaze me with your talent and I am inspired to keep learning. I’ve learned a lot from you already and will continuously look forward to what you have to offer to the community!
Teela | Author | January 5, 2017
Thanks so much Grace! I’ve been in total love with everything you’ve shared on IG. You’re one of my favorites, without a doubt ❤️
Michelle | January 5, 2017
Hi Teela, I’m new to this blog, but I have been watching some of your youtube videos for a few weeks now. I’m just getting my feet wet in graphic design. At first, I thought I wanted to make digital art prints and so I started doing the Lynda.com course on graphic design. Over the course of a few weeks of watching those, now I’m not certain what to do! I love typography because I think I could learn how to write really well as I took many years of calligraphy in school, but I still do appeal to the vector/art side as well. I’m not as good at drawing things, but I do love lettering quite a bit. I’m still learning all the ins and outs of illustrator, photoshop, and indesign. And I think that’s my goal this year is to continue to learn those programs and then select something I want to pursue more specifically. Right now I’m doing web stuff for a company part time and I hate it. It’s mostly spreadsheets and uploading products to the page and its so cringy! I have always been good at writing and have an artistic/creative side as well that I have yet to explore. In the future, I hope to turn all of this into something good and hopefully it can be a career, but I’m nearing 40 at this point so I feel like no one wants to hire a newb 40 something who is just getting into graphic design. I hope that my love of learning pays off and I eventually find what I’m good at. Maybe I won’t need to be hired and can start my own thing. Who knows! It’s all up in the air right now, but I’m going to keep learning what I can and then hopefully find my niche. I’d also like to narrow down what I know and start a blog (I had a blog about a totally different topic but shut it down. I want to start a new one based on graphic design, but not specifically yet).
The typography and hand lettering side of things appeals to me but do you have any posts on how to get started doing that? Creating fonts sounds so fun. I do have a wacom, illustrator, photoshop, but do you need other programs besides that? Love your blog and thanks for sharing your talents here!
Tess | January 5, 2017
Hello, Michelle! I just wanted to reassure you that it is NEVER to late to start! When I was 17-18, I took a graphic arts course thinking that is what I wanted to do with my life. Well, life had other plans for me until I also turned 40. That is when I was hired as an in-house graphic designer working mostly in Photoshop and Illustrator. Things are totally different now from what I learned years ago, but there are so many wonderful resources available to you now, like Teela! Take advantage and learn as much as you can. Why not learn both, so you can combine the graphic design with the hand lettering? 6 years later, I am still learning, but it has been the best choice I have made! How many people can say they have a fun job that gives them a creative outlet? Best wishes to you, whichever path you choose!
Teela | Author | January 6, 2017
Hey Michelle!
I love what Tess said + totally agree, please don’t let age ever be a factor on dissuading you from where you’d most like to go! Sounds like all you’ll need to get going with fonts is a font program (I use Glyphs for mac-only, there’s a glyphs mini version in the app store for ~$45, and once you start selling your fonts you’ll for sure make that back). The important thing to do now is to dive into the creative work that excites you the most and really give it a fair chance. Please don’t be discouraged! Read this if you need a little pick-me-up 😉
Eunice | January 12, 2017
Wow. That’s amazing! You go, girl! Now I’m more motivated
wendy l. | January 5, 2017
Great post, Teela. Happy New Year, and such a beautiful way to start. I have a few goals for myself this year, and this is such a great way to break the steps/process down as it can be overwhelming. I am STILL so glad to have found you and thankful that you have your tutorials (which I have been doing!) to keep practicing, and happy that you offer classes too as you are my go to for that. Your classes are a nice range as well, which is very helpful because there is something for everybody to hone in on. I am VERY excited for this year and for making progress in 2017.
Teela | Author | January 6, 2017
Aww thanks so much Wendy! I’m so glad you found me too and have LOVED seeing the work you’ve shared! Can’t wait to see more of what you create this year! 🙂
maike | January 5, 2017
Thanks for an awesome post! I also love to plan every year and set my goals. My creative goals usually involve music since that is my field of work. However, your blog has really inspired me to not only do bespoke work, but also sell more stock music (like your cool texture packs, but a music version!) and to begin incorporating my art into my music somehow. Thanks Teela!
Teela | Author | January 6, 2017
Oh I love that idea! Please let me know if I can help at all along the way! ❤️
Elizabeth | January 6, 2017
Hi Teela!!! A few weeks ago maybe even a month ago…you asked if your viewers would be interested in a course on how to create our own fonts using a purchased software. I know that is something I would love to see!!! I love all of your courses and resources I hope you will consider doing something like that this year!!! I hope you had a great holiday season and a happy and prosperous new year!!! I can’t thank you enough for all you do! I have learned so much from you ❤️
Teela | Author | January 9, 2017
Thanks Elizabeth! Happy new year to you too! I decided to move forward with the font class, so look for it within the next month or 2!
Abby | January 7, 2017
Hello! Thanks for the encouraging post; I think it’s funny because I actually set a goal for myself this year before I even read this, but this helped me solidify it! Anyways, my goal is to improve the way I arrange the words in things I hand-letter. Your class about that was really helpful, and so now I’m putting into practice! I’ve been trying to hand-letter one Bible verse that I read in my Bible-in-a-year reading. It’s proven to be a great way for me to think about what I’ve read as well as to practice hand-lettering!
Teela | Author | January 9, 2017
So awesome to hear! That’s such a great way to consistently practice – love that idea 🙂
Lori | January 8, 2017
Hi Teela! Wonderful post! May I ask which font creation software you settled in with? I would love to create some fonts this year, and have been looking at Glyphs or Glyphs Mini, but I also see that there is an open source option (FontForge) too. I’ve played around a bit with the Illustrator plugin, Fontself, but it is a bit too basic. Would you be able to share your thoughts? I work daily in Illustrator and Photoshop, if that matters at all.
Teela | Author | January 9, 2017
Hey Lori! Totally agree about fontself. I use the pro version of Glyphs, but started out with Glyphs Mini to be sure (plus they offer a discount off the pro if you purchase the mini which is awesome). It’s perfect if you’re someone who is already familiar with Illustrator. I wrote a small post here of my process – I’m in the middle of creating a font making class using glyphs (or glyphs mini) right now and it’ll go live in the next month or 2 🙂
Lori | January 9, 2017
Tella, thanks for the reply! I will sure look forward to that class.
Lori | January 9, 2017
Oops- sorry for the typo, Teela!
H | January 8, 2017
I have done a couple of your classes and have loved them. I will definitely take more classes this year. I have a lot of work to do on ny lettering though! Well done for such an amazing year and I look foward to seeing you achieve more greatness this year.
Teela | Author | January 9, 2017
Thanks so much! And yep! Somehow, there’s always new places to go with lettering – best wishes for a productive year ahead!
Melanie | January 9, 2017
This was such a great post, thank you! I’ve hit the ground running this year, and I’ve already got my portfolio site up and running and added several pieces to it. It’s difficult as something I’m building on the side of a full-time job, but I love the idea of creating smaller actionable goals to help me get to the bigger goals. Your site has been a HUGE help in learning new skills for design and lettering. Thank you for being so generous with your knowledge!
Teela | Author | January 9, 2017
Oh man, I hear you. That balancing act can be a tough one. I’m so glad everything has been helpful! Feel free to reach out if you ever need anything specific!
Monicab | January 17, 2017
Wow Teela. I’m in awe of everything you accomplished last year. I’m so glad I found you website last year and have enjoyed learning from you here and in your classes. You’ve helped me work towards my goals. I look forward to all the amazing this you will do this year!
Teela | Author | January 20, 2017
Thanks so much Monica! I’m so glad you found me too, means so much to hear that!