Welcome to week 5 of holiday hand lettering projects! If you missed the last four weeks, you can catch up here, here, here and here 😉 This is a 6 week lettering tutorial series with the goal of gaining new lettering tricks, learning about lettering supplies you might not have used before and creating something you can use/gift right away. Every week we build on the skills from the previous week, so if you need a refresher, be sure to rewatch any of the previous videos. Check back every Tuesday from now until December 12th for a new holiday themed lettering project! This week, we’ll create metallic watercolor lettering surrounded by strings of lights! Read on to see how!
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Get featured on Every-Tuesday!
If you follow one, or even all 6 projects and have used your new lettering on something for the holidays, I’d love to see it! On Instagram, tag me (@everytuesday) and use the hashtag: #holidayhandletteringproj so you can show support to others who participate, too! Feel free to follow the videos exactly or change it up to fit your style! At the end of this series (the last project being posted Tuesday, December 12th), I’ll go through all projects listed under that hashtag.
I’ll be putting together a roundup post to feature community artwork created during this series on Every-Tuesday. I’ll be linking to your Instagram account if you’re featured, so you may get some new Instagram followers as a result of being featured, too! By tagging me and/or using our hashtag, you’ll be giving me permission to feature your work here. This roundup post will be published on December 14th, so if you plan to participate, just be sure you’ve posted and tagged your artwork on Instagram by then. This should be a really fun lettering community holiday project for all of us and double as beautiful inspiration, too! There’s no pressure to create all of the projects – just completing one can get you featured – I hope you’ll join us!
Holiday Hand Lettering Projects: Week 5
Mentioned in this video:
- Finetec Metallic Watercolors
- Pentel Aquash Brush (fine tip)
- Astrobrights Eclipse Black Cardstock
- Moonlight Gelly Roll Gel Pens
- Metallic Gelly Roll Gel Pens
- White Gelly Roll Gel Pen
- Brush Lettering with Watercolor online course
Catch up on past holiday hand lettering videos!
Take your watercolor lettering further in my online course, Brush Lettering with Watercolor!
When creating your holiday hand lettering week 5 project, remember:
- Use a waterbrush to keep the metallic watercolors from drying too quickly.
- Blend your metallic watercolors using the wet on dry technique.
- Establish your light source before applying highlights to your lettering and keep them consistent throughout.
- Draw circular motions with your arm before applying ink to paper for the best circular results.
- Alternate holiday lights positions for a more realistic feel. Apply each color one at a time without going too dense. Fill in any gaps after all colors have been drawn in.
- Cut your paper down to center your artwork and use for greeting cards or gift tags!
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Pick up over 50 design + lettering files as our gift to you when you join the Tuesday Tribe for free!
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Debby Greenlaw | December 5, 2017
Love this! Thank you!