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Happy almost Thanksgiving! (here in the states, anyway 🙂 ) Since we’re hitting the end of November, it’s time for your free December 2016 desktop wallpapers! This month’s wallpaper pattern design was originally created with concentrated watercolors and a no.1 round brush on Canson 140# cold press watercolor paper. It was then scanned into the computer where final touches, recoloring and dates were added in Photoshop. The download includes the wallpapers in two common resoutions: 1280x1024px and 1920x1080px, with and without dates. I’ve left the year off of the ‘no-dates’ versions, so you can use it for any December in the future, too!

Today’s the last Thursday in October, so it’s time for your free November 2016 desktop wallpapers! This month’s wallpaper was hand lettered on an iPad Pro using an Apple pencil. Here are a few more details: the glitter texture is from the Procreate Metallic Texture Kit. The brushes used were a slightly modified (default) studio pen and brush pen in Procreate. This download includes the wallpapers in two common resolutions: 1280x1024px and 1920x1080px, with and without dates. I’ve left the year off of the ‘no-dates’ versions, so you can use it for any November in the future, too!

Today’s the last Thursday in September, so it’s time for your free October 2016 desktop wallpapers! This month’s wallpaper was hand lettered with the super-fun-to-play-with FineTec metallic watercolors. The paper is Neenah Astrobrights Eclipse Black, which actually holds up perfectly with the metallics. FineTecs are naturally on the thicker side, so they sit right on top of cardstock like they were meant to be together 🙂 . This download includes the wallpapers in two common resolutions: 1280x1024px and 1920x1080px, with and without dates. I’ve left ‘2016’ off of the ‘no-dates’ jpgs, so you can use this for any October in the future, too!

Today’s the last Thursday in August, so it’s time for your free September 2016 desktop wallpapers! This month’s wallpaper is another doodle explosion (hopefully in a good way!) brought to you via an iPad Pro + Apple Pencil + Procreate app. This download includes the wallpapers in two common resolutions: 1280x1024px and 1920x1080px, with and without dates. I’ve left ‘2016’ off of the ‘no-dates’ jpgs, so you can use this for any September in the future, too!

Since today is the last Thursday of July, it means it’s time for your free August 2016 desktop wallpapers! This month you could say I went just a little bit overboard, but if you like a leafy doodle explosion on your screen, then it’s probably the perfect amount. 🙂 This was created on an iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil using the Procreate app, then exported and edited a little further in Photoshop. More on iPad lettering/doodling here!

Happy July tomorrow! June was a solid month over here with the Into to iPad Lettering course and the release of my latest hand lettered font, Hawthorne Script 🎉 The extended license of Tuesday Script just got the webfont added in (with unlimited pageviews allowed), too!

July is looking just as productive as I’m preparing my next Skillshare class, Mastering Mockups. This next class will go over how I create my instagram lettering posts (like this one) as well as how to create professional mockups in Photoshop to help sell work to clients and give your portfolio an extra edge. The class will be officially available July 11th 🙂

Speaking of dates, it’s time to freshen up your desktop for July ☀️ This week’s freebie is a set of two hand lettered July desktop wallpapers, with and without dates in two common sizes, 1920 x 1080 + 1280 x 1024. Previews and download link below!

Happy June next week! May usually feels like such a long month, but this one went a little quicker than usual with all of the planning and prep for my newest Skillshare class, Intro to iPad Lettering (launching June 6th!), as well as a few new digital goodies in the Every-Tuesday shop. I’m also finishing up my next hand drawn script font (SO excited for this one!) which will be available mid-June 🙂

In case your desktop is needing a little freshening up for the month ahead, this week’s freebie is a set of two June desktop wallpapers, with and without dates in two common sizes, 1920 x 1080 + 1280 x 1024. Previews and download link below!

Happy April tomorrow!

Everything felt very non-stop sprint throughout all of March. Most of it was due to my ocd with getting the ebook as perfect as possible. If I didn’t become a designer, I would have been a writer, so I naturally spend more time than I probably should carefully crafting sentences and evaluating word choices. But! It’s finally out into the world and I’ve returned to breathing once again 🙂 (I made a free preview of the book available yesterday! If you’re interested, click here to download it!)

I’m really looking forward to diving back into design tutorials this coming month. It seems like I’ve been away from them longer than 4 weeks and I’ve missed putting them together. Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of prep on an upcoming Intro to Photoshop class. This will be the best quality course I’ve ever done (a real production team-quality!) and it’s hard to keep in the excitement for it, but I’ll have many more details as the month goes on 🙂 I’m also planning my next Skillshare class this month, so if you’re on the every-tuesday email list, keep an eye out because free spots to the class will be heading your way soon!

Until then, pick up your free April 2016 desktop wallpaper to keep things on track in two common formats: 1920×1080 + 1280×1024 both with and without dates. Download link + previews below!

Happy February! This month is an extra special month for me because on the 28th, I’ll be turning 30, and saying farewell to my 20’s forever. It’s funny how fast 10 years go by and how fast they don’t. When I was 20, I had just transferred from my community college in upstate NY to SCAD in Savannah, GA, where I didn’t know a single person. I was still working the customer service desk at the local grocery store during school breaks, eating dorm food for the first time, and navigating a new city by foot and by bus with my (very) untrustworthy natural sense of direction.


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